Acne Treatment in Bangkok, Thailand Guide
“We suggest acne treatment at Puttharaksa Aesthetic Bangkok if you do want to avoid taking a pill while working on existing acne and preventing new one.”
If you are new to acne treatment in Bangkok, this article will be a good guide for you to understand all options available in coping with your acne.
Acne treatment in Bangkok can be categorized into 3 approaches: medicine, laser, and holistic treatment.

3 Types of Acne Treatment in Bangkok
Medicine: This approach is a traditional one. The doctor will prescribe you pills and creams to work on acne. This approach takes a long time to see the results. Besides, taking acne pills might cause some health concerns in the long term [Ref. National Health Service, England]. You may find this approach at most of the hospitals here, e.g. Bangkok Hospital.
Laser Treatment: This approach is a modern one. The doctor will apply a laser machine on the acne. Your acne is lasered and removed. However, if your skin is irritated, it might cause your irritation becomes worse due to heat from the laser. Besides, if your skin is tan, you might have black spots after the treatment. You may find this approach at hospitals and beauty clinics e.g. Pornkasem Clinic.
Holistic Treatment: This approach combines facial, cream, and acne extraction. The acne facial helps improve your skin structure. Therefore, it helps prevent new acne. The creams work on current acne. Acne extraction helps get rid of comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads). Holistic treatment is specific to each clinic. One well-known for this approach is Puttharaksa Aesthetic.
Our Opinions on Acne Treatment in Bangkok
In conclusion, we suggest a medical approach if you do not have time. We suggest laser if you have white skin without skin irritation. We suggest holistic acne treatment at Puttharaksa Aesthetic if you do not want to take a pill and want to work on both existing acne and preventing new acne.
Medically reviewed by Lawanworn Broese Van Groenou, Pharm.D. | Written by Acne Thailand Editorial Contributors.